While doing my usual web surfing I came across the LLoyd Banks album “The Hunger for More”. The title stuck and accord with me. The Hunger for More is a powerful statement in my mind. It has to do with the issue of settling.
When you settle, most of the time you settle for less, you compromise, you take less then what you would have received if you were persistent and worked harder.
I know life is complicated and we compromises on a regular basis. I am not talking about compromises with your love ones and in your relationships. I am talking about compromises when it comes to your goals and getting them accomplished.
I am talking about being too weak or scared, to go out and claim what is yours, instead you settle for what life decides to hand you. To me that is being weak, pathetic and not being a Champion.
The hunger for more applies to BJJ as well. At a competition I over hear people say things like “I just want to win my first match.” or “I just want to medal and I will be happy.” WHAT THE HELL KIND OF TALK IS THAT?!??!?!? You are going to be satisfied with loosing? You are satisfied with mediocarity? WHY?!?!?! Why train hard? Why drill the same moves over and over? Why all the bumps, lumps, bruises, sore muscles, aches and pains is all you want to do is just win one match? Why even bother?
There is nothing wrong with putting out an all out effort and being defeated and getting second or third or not placing at all; what I am referring to is that you don’t even believe enough in yourself or your skills that you have already mentally defeated yourself, by not even aiming for first. You are settling for WAY less then the guy who is going to get first. You do not have that hunger for more, you just want a “decent” showing. What ever the hell that is.
If you do not posses the hunger for more than you have already lost in my humble opinion, and I am not just talking about grappling I am talking about in life. Keep settling for less than what you always wanted to achieve and that is what you will always get, less then what you wanted.
I say SCREW THAT!!!!! I have never stepped on the mats without the intention of winning every match and getting the gold. I visualize my self fighting, struggling, winning. I picture being on the top of the podium and having the Gold place around my neck. Win or loose I defiantly did not sell myself short and give away the gold because I just wanted any medal or just wanted to win a match.
A Champion never thinks that way, that is why there are a Champion.
Have you ever entered into a tournament or any other situation with hoping just to win a match? If so how did you fair? Did you loose because you aimed too low, or did you surprise yourself and win the Gold?
Train Like a Champion, Win like a Champion!!!!